The Somerville Democratic City Committee hosted a forum, moderated by Lisa Kashinsky, on August 16. Mary discussed a variety of issues, sharing her progressive policies and worldview befitting the lifelong strong Democrat like Mary is.
Housing Forum
The Somerville Renters Committee in partnership with the Community Action Agency of Somerville (CAAS) hosted a virtual forum on August 8. Translations in Haitian Creole, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Chamber of Commerce Forum
The Somerville Chamber of Commerce Presents the Turning-21 Series. Mary answers questions from the audience on affordable housing, funding city services, etc.
East Somerville impacted by higher rates of COVID
“We were lucky my grandmother owned the house, so even though it was over-crowded we could count on housing stability..."
Feeding Our Hometown Heros: Why it Matters by Mary Cassesso
Providing food during the pandemic.
SMC Mayoral Debate
The Somerville Media Center hosted a debate on August 10th, moderated by Kat Powers, in which Mary shared her views and vision for Somerville, and answered questions asked by other candidates.
Elder Services Forum
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services and the Visiting Nurses Association Somerville cohosted a forum on 8/5 in which Mary expanded on her vision for how to make Somerville work for older adults.
Kick Off Press Release
Candidate for Mayor, Mary Cassesso packed the outdoor patio with supporters...
40 Local Leaders Who are Shaping Somerville's Future
"Mary Cassesso has held a range of jobs throughout her impressive career, but they share common threads: healthcare, affordable housing and education, all work done in the public interest..."
Award for the Advancement of Women and Staff
Harvard's Joseph B. Martin Dean’s Award for the Advancement of Women Faculty and Staff Previous Recipients.